Best little island continued…

One day we rented a motor boat and circumnavigated the island.  What an adventure!

Our little “put-put” packed with surfboards, snorkel gear, and lunch.


Wylie navigating through the reefs like a local.

Shortly after debarking from our house, we spotted a remote island with a white sandy beach and beautiful clear waters – an invitation we couldn’t refuse.  There appeared to be no one on the island, but as we approached the sandy beach, a dark skinned gentleman in a bright neon green t-shirt walked out to greet us.  It turned out that he was hired by the President to keep watch over the island.  He gave us a little jungle tour , cut open a coconut for us and we were off to enjoy the rest of our day.

The perfect picnic spot.

We pulled out our lunch and sat at the table that was placed about ankle deep in the water.  Within minutes we had hundreds of little fish swimming around our feet, tickling our toes.

I love this video!!!! I think you will, too.



After sadly saying goodbye to the fishies, we continued on to a local surf spot where we found a pack of groms catching waist high waves over a very shallow reef.  I was pretty nervous about dinging my new board, but I couldn’t pass up surfing with the pack whose mean age was probably 10 years old.  Once I got out into the line up, I asked them how they all were in French – “Comment allez-vous?” and in unison, they all replied “Bien!”  From that point on we communicated with the universal language of a smile.   I couldn’t believe that these guys surfed at this shallow reef on their broken up surf boards and boogie boards.  It kind of freaked me out after riding a wave and looking down at the reef about 6 inches below the water’s surface.

One of their Dads was in a motorboat anchored nearby as their support crew.  They would surf a little and then paddle over to the boat for snacks of papaya and other tropical treats. My favorite thing was when they were all out in the water and broke out into spontaneous singing that lead to giggles and smiles from ear to ear.  Now that is my kind of surfing!

Aimee surfing the local break with the groms.

The locals support crew.

Swimming back to the boat after some fun surfing.


Back to Teahupoo, Tahiti

Excerpt from my journal, March 9.

After leaving Moorea, we returned to our house in Teahupoo, Tahiti.  Despite the bugs, we really liked Tahiti Nui and Tahiti Iti. Although it doesn’t have the white sandy beaches you see in all the postcards, its black sandy beaches, low lying coastal roads that seem to float on the lagoons, and steep, jagged mountains covered in dense green leafy forests give it a rustic beauty of its own.  It also is home to one of the most well-known surf breaks in Tahiti – Teahupoo. Our house was within a 10-minute walk and 20-minute paddle to this world-class surf break.  Although it wasn’t really “going off” during our stay, Willie and Wylie got a chance to ride “small” Teahupoo.  Even when it’s small, it is a fast left, that breaks over a shallow reef.  The potential for reef rash is high and screwing up your take off can prove painful for days to come. I wasn’t ready for Teahupoo, even when it was “small”.  For Willie and Wylie, who had looked at endless videos of the pros riding this wave, it was a dream come true.

Walking to the surf.

The shark in the water we spotted before Wylie paddled out to Teahupoo.

Willie, apres surf at Teahupoo.

After spending a week on the island, we had driven on every main road exploring the sites, the sounds and people of Tahiti.  We were told before traveling here that the people on the island of Tahiti still have “Aloha”.  The natives here, more so than the other Tahitian islands we traveled to, were super friendly and welcoming.  Unlike the surf in Hawaii where you can get “bad vibed” out of the water, it is customary to shake hands with everyone in the line up.  People are always smiling and the sound of laughter is as common as the smell of Taire in the air.

Black sand beaches.

Lush jungles and waterfalls.

The smell of Tiare in the air.

Locals gathering at the river mouths.

Why we didn’t go in the rivers. Actually, the locals told us this fish is completely harmless and  good to eat.  We didn’t believe them.

Although Tahiti is part of French Polynesia, I was still surprised at how the French influence permeates through every part of their culture, from language to cuisine. Most people speak French, even if they know how to speak Tahitian.  Their currency is the Pacific Franc and the baguette is a staple in their diet.  Every day from morning until noon, people are walking home with their arms full of baguettes.  They even have long cylindrical “mail” boxes for daily baguette deliveries.  You can even buy baguettes at the Shell gas station!  The supermarkets shelves are filled with French wines, the coolers with Brie and Camembert and the freezers with escargot.  Stores close from noon until 2 daily and sometime never open again in the afternoon.

Aimee with her new found love….baguettes.

Baguettes were delivered daily to people in Tahiti Iti.  They were put into a long cylinder outside peoples home or these fancy boxes.  I want to bring this tradition back to Boulder!


Leaving Kauai

On March 2nd we woke up with mixed emotions.  We were leaving Kauai for Tahiti.  We packed up our duffel bags, carry-ons, and surfboards, said our last good byes to the island and headed to the airport in Lihue.  It was a bitter sweet departure.  We were leaving the comfort of a place that had come to feel like home to us, and traveling to a new destination only known to us through guide books and the internet.  Our skin was a few shades darker, our muscles a little more toned, our minds a lot more at peace and our sense of adventure piqued for the journey that lies ahead.

Our souvenir hats.

The awesome Dodge Caravan that can easily hold up to 6 surfboards and 4 people!

Going out for our last surf at Hanalei.

Scuba Certification

On March 1st, the day before we left Kauai, Aimee, Wylie and Willie finished their open water diving certification.  Waking up at 6am was an early start for the kids.  Willie was in the routine of waking up before the sun rose to catch an early surf session while the waves were still glassy and clean.  However, with online school, the kids had taken to sleeping in late and staying up late to do their school work at night.  After dragging them out of bed, they caught a few more minutes of sleep on the hour drive to Kolao Landing, just past Poipu.

Guillaume, who spoke with a very heavy french accent, was their instructor for all three certification days.  At first he was a bit challenging to understand.  It wasn’t until the end of the first day, that they figured out that “exile” (say it with with the accent on one “xile” and drag it out over 4 seconds) meant to “exhale”. “Air” could mean “air” or “there” or “here” or “hair” which are all important words when learning the basics of scuba diving.  On land, he was very animated and used lots of gestures.  Luckily, there is a universal underwater sign language used when scuba diving. We miss Guillaume but we find ourselves still speaking like him on many occasions. One of our favorites is  “Lay feesh they ide to protect of you” which translates to “the fish hide to protect from you.”

il dorme…

Se réveiller…

la preparación…




Family Golf



Brother Logan, Mom, Son Wylie (rocking the socks and skate shoes)

Nine holes and 3.5+ hours later.  There was actually one hole when we were all on the fairway.  Family golf is much more civil than family tennis.   No clubs were thrown although the turf took a beating.   We definitely got our money’s worth from whoever will have to maintain the course.

Snorkeling in Hanauma Bay, Oahu, HI

Hanauma Bay is a marine embayment formed within a volcanic cone and located along the southeast coast of the Island of Oʻahu in the Hawaiian Island.


During the first week of our travels, we stayed on Oahu.  We took the kids to Hanauma Bay for their first time snorkeling.  Wylie captured the underwater marine life with his new GoPro.  Wow, does this camera take amazing videos!  We saw so many colorful fish and had the pleasure of swimming with this friendly sea turtle.

Just Another Morning in Kauai


The original plan was to leave Kauai for a ten-day stay on the Big Island or Maui and then return to Kauai before heading to Tahiti. Unfortunately we had no luck finding accommodations on either island, so we decided to stay on Kauai. Not a bad idea, considering this is one of the most beautiful places on earth.

We left our house in Hanalei and are now in Princeville. We have always tried to avoid Princeville – the land of condos and Hoalies – and instead stay in or near the town of Hanalei, where there is more of a local flavor. We ended up finding a place on the cliffs overlooking “Hide Aways” surf spot. We were not disappointed.

These pictures were taken sitting on the lanai, eating a breakfast of pancakes with kiwi, mango, apple bananas (yes they do taste like apples), topped with coconut syrup, 300 ft above the waters edge, looking out over an endless sea to the horizon. Down below, Willie is the only one out in the water catching perfect glassy, head high waves, there is a rainbow framing the view and a pod of whales breaching directly in front of me. Somebody pinch me.  Is this for real?



Willie Surfing Hideaways.

Hide Aways


More whales.

more whales


Yummy breakfast.



Queens Bath

warning signstream

We finally made it to Queen’s Bath today. During winter, there are few times you can actually visit the bath without eminent death or at least danger. Queen’s Bath is a natural pool formed in the lava rocks along the coast of Princeville, Kauai. After driving into the land of condos and haoles, we parked the minivan and began the 10 minute hike, descending down the muddy, red clay trail to the black lava cliffs along the waters edge. The hike is akin to a Disney theme park Ride from the Jungle Book with a perfect waterfall flowing beside the trail, that leads to a small fresh water pool; palm trees rustling, birds singing and the sound of water trickling. From here we took a moment to assess the size of the swell. Things can change quickly in the ocean and the waters can become angry in the time it takes to park the car and hike the trail. Luckily, for us, the waves were still relatively small for Hawaii in winter. We walked out along the rough rocks, passing tide pools, with one eye looking for crabs and little fish, and the other looking for that rogue wave that might wash us out to sea. We were just here 2 weeks ago and the high surf was covering these same rocks with 30ft waves. We watched too casual tourists standing at the cliffs edge, taking photos, oblivious to the fact that at any moment a huge wave could come in, making them another slash mark on the warning sign. Within a few minutes, we were standing on the rocks above the pool, bathing suits donned, GoPro in hand, jumping into the Bath. The water was calm and clear until a huge wave came crashing onto the cliffs and water cascaded over the pool’s edge creating a wave of excitement as the current pushed us around and the suddenly aerated water felt like we were sitting in a drunk man’s champagne glass or nature’s Jacuzzi without the heated water. Then the water and our heart beats became calm again and we waited for the next big wave to roll in. (click to see us in the bath)

Hiking The Okolehao Trail

The other day when the waves were too big to surf, we hiked the Okolehao trail. It was muddy and a bit slippery, but very rewarding. We saw an assortment of native plants including a wild orchid. I had just put the camera away and was too lazy to take it out again. I am still regretting not taking a picture of it. At the top of the hike we were rewarded with a view of the Kilauea Lighthouse, waterfalls and beautiful set waves rolling into Hanalei Bay. On our way down, Willie got up close and personal with a spider the size of a squirrel.

pathwaterfallaimee downclimbingstart of hikeview from above

spiderwillie and spidermud